haven't had to look very far to find Bomber Command airmen who
displayed acts of selflessness and bravery in looking after their
comrades – P/O Frank Law, P/O Norman Lyford, P/O Reg Price among
others. It could be said that they were just doing their job.
the fighter pilots of 'the Few' – bomber crews were 'chucked in at
the deep-end' – to sink or swim.
166 Squadron ORB Summary of Events records that on the Berlin raid of
18th November 1943 the all-up weights of five of the
squadron's Lancaster IIIs was increased to 65,000lbs. The trial was,
thankfully for those entrusted with the additional bombs, a success –
the aircraft 'took this
weight and experienced no difficulties'.
the following operation, on the 22nd
the older Lancaster Is received an increase of 2,000lbs – a total
all-up-weight of 63,500 lbs. 'All took off successfully
and had no difficulties with this increased weight, save for
increased difficulty in making maximum height.'
his debut on this operation was 22 year-old pilot F/Sgt Roy Fennell
aboard ED731 'T' as second pilot to Sgt Horsley. The sortie went
without incident.
next night Fennell and his own crew, who had arrived from 1656CU only
a week previously, went to Berlin and back on their own account in
DV365, Z², again unscathed.
On 26th Fennell's crew were again on the 'Battle Order',
the target – yet again 'the Big City'.
crew were:- pilot – F/Sgt Roy Barton Fennell
engineer – Sgt William Pettis
– Sgt James Smyth
– Sgt Ronald Moodey
op – F/Sgt Douglas Harvey
– Sgt Charles Cushing
gunner – Sgt George Meadows RCAF
– 17.25
-1x4000lb, 1400x4lb incendiaries, 430x30lb incendiaries
out:- southerly down the country and out across the south coast over
East Sussex, crossing the French Coast in the proximity of Baie de
Somme, then turning due east to pass just north of Frankfurt where
the bomber stream split with 150+ Halifaxes and 21 Pathfinder
Lancasters attacking Stuttgart and the bulk of the force – nearly
450 Lancasters turning north-east to Berlin.
crew of DV365 experienced difficulties, Roy Fennell's log-book states
:- 'Abandoned – attacked by single and twin engine German
night-fighters. Sgt Moodey baled out. Sgts Meadows, Cushing, Harvey
wounded. Landed at Ford.'
German defences tracked the bomber stream from its landfall at the
Somme Estuary and sent up 55 twin-engine night-fighters to cover
Himmelbett boxes in Belgium, Holland and North-West Germany.
Simultaneously twenty-nine night-fighters – twenty Bf110s, eight
Ju88s and a He219, all equipped with SN-2 radar were scrambled as
'tame-boars' and were directed into the bomber stream over Southern
Belgium. Bad weather over Southern Germany restricted numbers of
night-fighters scrambled there to thirteen Himmelbett patrols and
five aircraft on 'wilde-sau' duties.
Squdron ORB Record of Events expands on Roy Fennell;s log-book
aircraft was attacked head on by an enemy fighter over France,
damaging our aircraft and wounding the rear gunner, and putting the
mid-upper turret temporarily out of action. Almost immediately
afterwards it was again attacked. A cannon shell burst in the front
cockpit and also damaged the elevators, causing the aircraft to
become uncontrollable. Bombs were jettisoned and the Captain gave
the order to abandon aircraft. Later, however, he regained control
and cancelled the order but discovered that the Bomb Aimer had
already left. The aircraft turned for home and was continuously
attacked another 10 or 12 times before finally getting clear of
fighters. In all this time the Rear Gunner, Sergeant Meadows,
despite his injuries, continued to fight his turret. The aircraft
finally landed successfully at Ford, badly damaged. The Rear Gunner
was severely wounded and the Wireless Operator, Navigator and
Mid-Upper Gunner slightly wounded'.
reports were recorded for each separate action. Many thanks to
Archie for providing extracts from partial reports for two of the
several combats experienced. Although in a standardised format they
still convey the tension and relentlessness of the exchanges:-
aircraft attack from port quarter up to dead astern breaking away to
port bow in shallow dive.
pilot corkscrewed to port as soon as enemy aircraft had committed
himself to an attack at 600 yards range. Mid Upper gave the evasive
order - corkscrew port go.
aircraft opened fire at 600 yards range firing two short bursts until
breakaway, scoring hits on starboard mainplane and tailplane.
Mid Upper and Rear Gunners opened fire at 600 yards range firing long
bursts until breakaway. Port gun became unserviceable in Mid Upper
turret owing to being hit by cannon shell. Wireless Operator and
Navigator injured - Wireless Operator in the back of the head
Navigator in the left shoulder. Damage to enemy aircraft not
Upper fired 250 rounds. Stoppage in left hand gun due to damage by
cannon shell. One of the left hand guns in the Rear Turret was also
hit and put out of action after the Rear Gunner had fired 150 rounds.
Upper 1615703 Sergeant Cushing. Rear Gunner R191205 Sergeant Meadows.
warning received five minutes before attack. Pilot corkscrewed on
warning but as no attack was made resumed course.
aircraft carried out a normal attack and the correct evasive action
was carried out by our crew.
aircraft was first seen by Mid Upper at 800 yards range. The combat
manoeuvre ordered by the Mid Upper was the corkscrew. Enemy aircraft
opened fire at 600 yards range firing long bursts until the
breakaway. No damage to enemy aircraft observed. Enemy aircraft
scored several hits on our aircraft, starboard mainplane and also
tailplane, Wireless Operator and Navigator wounded.
26th/27th November 1943 Lancaster I ZZ 166 Squadron DV365
between Charleroi and Caen Time between 1935 and 2030 hours.
hazy. No cloud.
enemy aircraft Ju 88. No lights carried. Armament situated in nose
of aircraft.
Upper first sighted enemy aircraft at 400 yards on the starboard
quarter slightly up.
attack. Enemy aircraft attacked from starboard quarter up breaking
away to starboard beam level.
Upper gave the evasive order - corkscrew starboard Go on first
sighting enemy aircraft.
aircraft opened fire at 400 yards firing one continuous burst until
breakaway. Mid Upper opened fire until ammo in the right hand gun was
expended. Left hand gun was out of action due to being hit. The crew
are not certain if Rear Gunner Meadows opened fire on this attack or
not as he is now in hospital wounded, no information can be obtained
at the present time.
claims of damage to enemy aircraft. No hits occurred to our aircraft.
100 rounds from the Mid Upper. Unknown from the rear turret.
Upper 1615703 Sergeant Cushing. Rear Gunner R191205 Sergeant Meadows.
- No warning given.
aircraft carried out a normal attack and the correct evasive action
was taken. The Gunners were rather handicapped in the shooting having
had some of their guns put out of action and also servo ducts
aircraft was first sighted by the Mid Upper at 400 yards range on the
starboard quarter slightly up. The combat manoeuvre given was
corkscrew starboard. Enemy aircraft opened fire at 400 yards range.
Mid Upper opened fire with one gun firing until he ran out of ammo.
No damage to enemy aircraft observed and no damage to our aircraft '
all accounts there followed seven or more subsequent attacks by enemy
aircraft. It must be assumed that as Sgt Cushing had now expended
his ammunition Sgt Meadows must have played his part in subsequent
his part in the actions rear gunner Sgt George William Meadows RCAF
was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. The citation reads:-
airman was the rear gunner of a bomber detailed to attack Berlin one
night in November 1943. During the operation the aircraft was
attacked by a fighter. Bullets from the enemy aircraft hit and
damaged the mid-upper and rear turrets, one bullet struck Sergeant
Meadows in the back, which was deflected by the wiring in his
electrically heated clothing, and came out in the groin. Another
attack developed, and the mid-upper gunner, the wireless operator and
navigator were wounded. Despite his injury, Sergeant Meadows remained
in his turret and by his excellent co-operation with the pilot,
together with his good shooting, beat off a further eight attacks by
fighters. This airman showed skill, courage and fortitude of a high
transpired that bomb-aimer Sgt Ronald Moodey sadly did not survive
the bale-out. It is understandable that he was the first to exit as
the b/a's position is directly over the escape hatch. Sgt Moodey's
remains were interred in Hotton War Cemetery - grave VIII.
E. 1 although it is likely that he was originally buried in a
cemetery in the locality his body was found.
- Despite surviving
what must have been a very harrowing experience F/Sgt Fennell was
not destined to be one of the 'lucky' airmen who would fly on to
survive his tour of operations. Having operated throughout the
'Battle of Berlin' Roy Fennell, James Smyth, William Pettis and
Douglas Harvey were killed on the disastrous Nuremberg raid at the
end of March 1943 – the last operation of the Berlin campaign,
following which Bomber Command's attentions were concentrated on the
build-up towards the Allied invasion of Europe.
Charles Cushing is thought not to
have been one of Fennell's regular crew but arrived at Kirmington
via 1662CU. Sgt Cushing was posted missing from the operation
against Berlin on 16th/17th
December flying with F/O Follett's crew, their Lancaster crashing at
Thirty year-old Canadian George
Meadows, who came from the village of Bowsman, Manitoba, was
immediately posted 'non-effective' because of his wounds and did not
return to operational flying until April 1944. It appears that Sgt
George Meadows CGM survived the war.
LAC Roy Barton Fennell - 19EFTS RCAF Virden |
It is perhaps surprising
that Fennell himself didn't get a medal for his part, however, he may
have been put forward for a 'gong' but the rescinded order to abandon
may have been a factor in his not being decorated. After all - I guess that Fennell was just doing his job