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Sunday, 16 March 2014

many thanks anonymous emailer

Many thanks, sincerely, to the emailer who sent the information about ND360 and crew, especially for the photo of Jimmie Ives's inscription on the Runnymede Memorial, tablet 214.

Your email also serves to flag-up a fact recently pointed out to me by 'web-man the boy genius' – that cousin Jim does not have his own dedicated page on the website. This will be remedied on the revised website (which is coming very soon). However – Jim's story and those of his crew-mates are detailed in 'Does Life Hold Any More in Store?' - of which copies are still available (this website is really an adjunct to the book). Please don't be put-off by Pay-pal - it is an easy and secure system, but if you want to pay by other means send me an email via the 'contact' page.

Four crew members of ND360 were commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial because their remains could not be identified.  As Lilian recounted to me - Jim's crowning glory was his bright auburn, wavy hair.

Exhumation reports identified remains interred in Plot 1, Row 6, Grave 14 of the cemetery at Doberitz-Elsgrund:-

2nd body in grave.
Description of body : Badly smashed, little remained.
Hair: Brown wavy hair.
Clothing:  None

Remarks:  Reinterred in British Cemetery HEERSTRASSE, BERLIN:
        Plot: 7  Row: F  Grave 15
After several years in the ground would auburn hair appear brown?  This is my best guess at Jimmie Ives's resting place.  An unknown Airman.


  1. I have looked at your website and your work / research - It saddens me to read 'This is my best guess at Jimmie Ives's resting place.
    An unknown Airman.
    So so sad! Love every ounce of your words for as long there is a memory, they’ll live on in our hearts and as long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us; as we remember them Thank you! xx

    1. Danny,

      sincerely, thank you so much for your touching comment.

      We ought to know what happened to all these young men. They deserve it that we know what they looked like, and that they were real people.

